英国365集团将于2015年5月13日至5月23日开设海外教授主导的研究生课程《教育领导与政策》(Educational Leadership and Policy)。
1. 授课时间
2. 授课地点
3. 授课内容和目标
The unit is designed to stimulate your thinking and practice as educational leaders. While the tasks, readings, discussions and activities are designed to challenge your thinking about leadership, the unit does not provide a simple recipe for the school leadership. Instead, the unit is tailored to provide the basis for actions in a range of contexts with a single purpose – namely, the improvement of students’ learning.
Throughout the activities you will be engaged in reflecting on theoretical constructs and research findings that link to your practice and your context, as well as the practice and context of other leaders. In particular, your reflections and discussions will be grounded in the materials provided by case study schools.
On completion of this unit, you should be able to:
1. Identify the key influences of place on the work of the educational leader;
2. Describe theories relevant to educational leadership and evaluate their appropriateness to contemporary educational leaders’ practice;
3. Relate theories of educational leadership to personal experiences and practices through a process of reflection and discussion;
4. Analyse organisational culture and understand the role of the educational leader in shaping culture that improves students’ learning; and
5. Critique school level policies, structures, processes and strategies to improve students’ learning.
1. 研究生选修全英文课程并通过课程考核的,经学科、学院认定后,该门课程学分可作为学生所在专业的专业学位课学分。
2. 选修并通过两门及以上全英文课程,且考核分数在80分及以上者,可免修“研究生英语交流能力课程”并获得相应学分。
3. 通过一门全英文课程,且考核分数在80分以上的博士生,可免修本专业“专业外语课程”。