New Publications

Examining China's Academic Narratives Surrounding Higher Education Internationalization in Foreign Countries: A Multi-theoretical Lens

Date: 2023-03-13       Visitcount: 29

Hantian Wu and Jie Zheng

Journal of Studies in International Education

2023 Volume 27 Issue 1



Mainland Chinas domestic academic literature on foreign issues can be regarded as a

reference for its policymaking since the early stages of the Reform and Opening Up. This investigation constructs a multi-theoretical framework for examining and interpreting mainland Chinas domestic academic narrative surrounding higher education internationalization in foreign countries/regions. Taking an academic journal databased approach, it presents the findings and further discusses Chinas domestic disciplinary culture in the field of international higher education studies, as well as the possible impact of such narratives on its practices.


Keywords: Chinaacademic narrativehigher educationinternationalizationforeign countries

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